Building is great but having fun in sl is just as good. Yesterday i was at the grand opening of Warhammer located in Elvenmyst. Warhammer is like a lasergame in rl. You're supposed to be armoured or some kind of monster. You can join Imperium or Chaos and fight eachother. I've seen the most spectacular outfits and monsters :-) Being a good girl I joined Imperium ofcourse.
There are three stages. First there's an arena, 1 on 1 fights trying to push your opponent from the stage which is getting smaller along the way. Second stage looks like the familiar lasergame stage and third stage is a battleship with corridors and corners to hide. I had a very good time, it's an exciting game and i had so many laughs my stomach still hurts :-D I'm the tall trooper in red not drinking tea.

And look at this pic from my sl cat Pits. Often when i'm working he's trying to get my attention bumping my legs or looking at me this way. I know he's not but he looks quit real, lol
Oh yes that too; made some new jewelry but no pics yet. I'll show them later.