My new release is called SPRING though its not very springy in the Netherlands. Its still so cold here. The pics of SPRING were taken by Pjotr Yoshikawa and he edited them lovely. He showed me the castle where he lives and works and i had a cool flight there on the back of an eagle.

Voda, Guinan and me were making some plans for Voda's SL-birthday next tuesday. Voda and I smoked some pot being tinies, lol. We had great fun. Its good to relax after hard work! I'm the red one with the green eyes ^^

I'm listening Rammstein at the moment. I'm in a "heavy" mood. Nice dark tekst.
Ein kleiner mensch stirbt nuhr zum schein
wollte ganz alleine sein
dass kleiner herz stand still fur stunden
so hat mann es fur tot befunden
es wurd verschart im nassen sand
mit einer spieluhr in der hand
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