Judy and I met in sl a long time ago. We were neighbours in a mall owned by a very nice chap who decided this mall was for starting designers and we didn’t have to pay rent (or maybe 1L per week, can’t remember ).
We started talking and because there wasn’t that much traffic we talked for hours and hours. Judy was the one that first showed me how to make a (very simple) bracelet, at that time I was eh selling secondhands I won in lucky chairs. Still have that bracelet somewhere in my inventory :-).
We had our dreams about making stuff and owning a real shop.
Judy told me her story. She is from Taiwan and a few years before she met a dutch guy and they fell in love. She married him and followed him all the way to the Netherlands to start their future together.
In the Netherlands there’s a rule for newcomers to follow a program, learn the language, learn dutch habits, learn dutch democracy and so on… And you even have to take exams.
Learning dutch is difficult, especially to speak dutch and Judy has no rl-job to make it all a bit easier for her. It’s a bit like me talking english, my tongue gets twisted and it makes me unsure if I use the right words or expressions.
The longer Judy lives in the Netherlands, so very different from her homeland, the more she got homesick, missing her family, friends and the habits and culture she was used to.
A few weeks ago, after a short absence from sl, Judy decided to buy some land and start shop and she offered me space for mine.
Judy decided to build a small mall. The mall includes her shop and mine. And thinking back in time she decided to take in new designers and give them a chance to display and sell their builds. A part of MOOI (mooi = dutch for beautifull) is designed as a place where you can learn about Taiwan, there are many colorfull photo’s to see and some explanation about the many tribes that live in Taiwan.
Judy’s main goal is not commercial but to show- and tell about Taiwanese people and culture. It’s her way to show her love for her homeland and share. I think this is a wonderfull purpose and sl is a very good platform for it.
If you’re interested go and visit. If you want Judy to give you some explanation you’ll have to wait for about two weeks, she’s moving house rl at this moment. And don’t worry Judy’s English is very fine!

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